#ConsentIsNotCancelled: National Skillshare on Online Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education

#ConsentIsNotCancelled: National Skillshare on Online Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education


The global pandemic and subsequent shut down of many activities in March 2020 spurred messages like “love is not cancelled” and “connections are not cancelled.” While practices like shaking hands, hugging friends and attending concerts continue to shift in this new context, other practices such as asking first, respecting boundaries, and acknowledging the answer remain vital and should not be cancelled. Consent remains an ongoing practice within our relationships that needs to be practiced, honored, and celebrated at all times.

Skillshare and Toolkit:
As the transition to online campus consent programming in the Fall will not be easy, Courage to Act convened a National Skillshare on Online Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education on Monday, June 29th, 2020. With peers across the country, we shared ideas, questions, strategies, and promising practices on how to transition our education and awareness initiatives online.

Courage to Act compiled notes from the Skillshare breakout sessions into a toolkit that you can view here:

National Campaign:
#ConsentIsNotCancelled began as a mini-campaign under Simon Fraser University’s (SFU) Active Bystander Network social media as part of the biannual SFU Consent Matters campaign. The campaign is an invitation to reflect on how consent ought to be prioritized as an ongoing practice in our daily lives, including when engaging in sexual activity. Courage to Act hopes that the #ConsentIsNotCancelled campaign can be used by other institutions this Fall to inspire conversations about consent, gender-based violence and bystander intervention, especially in a time of social distancing. 


Suggested Citation: Courage to Act. (2020, June). #ConsentIsNotCancelled: National Skillshare on Online Gender-Based Violence Prevention Education. Courage to Act. www.couragetoact.ca/blog/consentisnotcancelled